Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet

219. kolokvij Hrvatsko kemijskog društva - Split

Napisao/la Antonia Plazonić Parađina on .

Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo - Split poziva Vas na svoj 219. kolokvij koji će se održati u srijedu 28. rujna 2022.; 12.15 sati u predavaonici F402, Kemijsko-tehnološkog fakulteta u Splitu, Ruđera Boškovića 35.
Predavanje pod naslovom:

“HPLC (Hi)story: Column Technologies”

održat će prof. dr. sc. František Švec, Zavod za analitičku kemiju, Farmaceutski fakultet, Charles University, Hradec Králové. Kolokvijem će predsjedavati doc. dr. sc. Franko Burčul, Zavod za analitičku kemiju, Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet u Splitu. Prof. dr. sc. František Švec autor je više od 510 znanstvenih radova ( h-indeks 100), te je urednik dvaju znanstvenih časopisa, Journal of Separation Science i Separation Science Plus. Njegovo znanstveno djelovanje dalo je najveći doprinos u području monolita te njihove primjene u tekućinskoj i plinskoj kromatografiji, elektrokromatografiji te pripravi uzoraka. Molimo o navedenom predavanju obavijestite sve zainteresirane kolege u Vašoj sredini.

Sažetak predavanja:
It is about 120 years since the pioneering work of Michael Tswett who invented liquid chromatography
(LC). This separation technique went through an incredible development and became the third most
used method of analytical chemistry right after weighting and measuring pH. Despite this, the developments in LC are all but completed because the requirements set on this analytical method are increasing every single day. What needs to be achieved? For example, we seek fast and highly efficient separations at a constant back pressure and a flow rate using the smallest possible volume of the mobile phase.
Most of the currently dictated requirements must be achieved through the advanced column technologies. Chromatographic columns must possess characteristics such as outstanding selectivity, high efficiency, low back pressure, and longtime stability. The size of the columns must be minimized to enable separations of minuscule samples at a very limited consumption of the mobile phase that should in best
scenario include “green” solvents. This presentation will first summarize the developments of column technologies since the advent of chromatography. Then, fulfilling the above requirements will be demonstrated with concrete examples of excellent groundbreaking research produced by top scientists in
the field of chromatography. Finally, some ideas will be presented concerning possible future developments in liquid chromatography.
izv. prof. dr. sc. Lea Kukoč Modun