
YOOmenu All menus shown on this page are implemented using the YOOmenu system. YOOmenu is a flexible all-in-one menu system right out of the box. It makes it possible to bring you the freshest Javascript menus and a lot of cool features. It just takes your experience to a whole new level.

The YOOmenu introduces to two new stunning menus to the Joomla world. It also comes with two really enjoyable features:
  • Active Item Detection for various color stylings
  • Background images can be set through Joomla!
  • Separates one menu into different outputs

Active Item Detection
With the Active Item Detection the template knows which menu item you are currently browsing. For example set any CSS class depending on the active/current menu item in the body tag. This makes it possible to give each page a different color styling.

Example how the template configuration can look like:
/* item color variation */
"item1"               => "red",          /* red | blue | green | yellow */
"item2"               => "blue",         /* red | blue | green | yellow */
"item3"               => "green",        /* red | blue | green | yellow */
"item4"               => "yellow",       /* red | blue | green | yellow */

And the generated template HTML output can look like this, if you are currently in Home (item1)...
<body class="blue">...</body>

Background Images
Using the YOOmenu system background images can be set through Joomla! with the built in Joomla! menu image parameter. Now you can set an image to each menu item in the Joomla! menu administration and it will appear as the items background image.

For example: Take a look at the icons (e.g. new!, web 2.0) in the sub menu or the images in Slider Menu.
After creating a new menu item open it again for editing. Now you can set an image to the menu item parameter in the parameters section. After saving the image will appear as background image behind the menu item.
YOOmenu Configuration

Split Menu
YOOmenu enables you to separate one menu into different outputs displaying certain menu levels. Each output can be placed anywhere on your site.
YOOmenu uses the 'mainmenu' by default. The Slider Menu shows the top level of the hierarchical menu structure. All sub levels of the currently selected top level item will show up in the sub menu on the left.