Mathematics Unit

Head of Department
Position Name and Surname e-mail Room Phone
M.Sc., Senior lecturer Branka Gotovac e-mail B 505 021-329-439
Position Name and Surname e-mail Room Phone
M.Sc., Senior lecturer Branka Gotovac e-mail B 505 021-329-439
Associate professor Sanja Tipurić-Spužević e-mail B504 021-329-443
External collaborators
Position Name and Surname e-mail Room Phone
Courses at the Department
Course Label of the study Course code ECTS
Mathematics 1  PK, PKT-KI  KTA 101  8.0
Mathematics 1  PKT-ZO  KTJ 101  7.0
Mathematics 2 PK, PKT-KI KTA106 6.0
Mathematics 2  PKT-ZO KTJ106 7.0
Mathematics   PPT,
Applied mathematics  DKT-M,DKT-ZO KTB101 4.0
Applied mathematics DPT KTM100 4.0
Mathematics and statistics for pharmacists F  KMF102 5.0
Study’s label: PKT (Undergraduate study of Chemical Technology), PKT-KI(Undergraduate study of Chemical Technology, course: Chemical Engineering), PKT-ZO(Undergraduate study of Chemical Technology, course: Environmental Protection), PK (Undergraduate study of Chemistry)PPT (Undergraduate study of Food Technology), DKT (Graduate study of Chemical Technology), DKT-M (Graduate study of  Chemical Technology, course: Materials), DKT-ZO(Graduate study of Chemical Technology, course: Environmental Protection), DPT (Graduate study of Food Technology), DK (Graduate study of Chemistry), DK-OKB (Graduate study of Chemistry, course: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry), DK-KO (Graduate study of Chemistry, course: Environmental Chemistry), F (Integrated undergraduate and graduate study of Pharmacy), SS-ZOM (Undergraduate professional study of Materials Protection and Recycling)