Written by Verica Vučičić on .


Written by Verica Vučičić on .


Mission of the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, University of Split is systematic development and growth of excellence at national and international level, in the area of natural sciences, scientific field of chemistry, area of technical sciences, scientific field of chemical engineering, biotechnical sciences, scientific field of food technology and biotechnology and biomedical sciences, field of pharmacy. This implies also the development of interdisciplinary sciences that enable the students to achieve the highest academic standards and ensure acquiring knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the society, national development strategy of science and education, transfer and use of knowledge by connecting science and technology with economy and public sector.

In addition, the mission of the FCT is to become a centre of excellence in education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship  for  sustainable  development  at  a  national,  regional  and Mediterranean level. Furthermore, FCT established close cooperation with the scientific and higher education institutions and business partners in Croatia and abroad. The Faculty provides its employees and students with opportunities for internal and international mobility, in addition to rational use of human and material resources and development of scientific-educational activities and professional knowledge.


Vision of the FCT is to become highly positioned scientific and educational institution in Croatia, focused on conducting nationally and internationally recognised scientific, developmental and professional research in the area of natural, technical, biotechnical, biomedical and interdisciplinary sciences, aligned with those implemented in the European Higher Education Area –EHEA and the European Research Area –ERA. The Faculty will continue to educate high-quality and competent internationally recognised experts, conduct internationally recognised scientific and professional research and provide full support to the development of Croatian economy, both at a regional level and in the Mediterranean area.

The Faculty will follow Quality Assurance Policy and continue to invest efforts into its positioning and achieving the status of a prominent higher education institution and a reliable partner to business entities and national and international scientific and educational institutions and students. To achieve this goal, the Faculty will continue cooperation with the academic and commercial partners in Croatia and abroad, especially in the Mediterranean region and ensure constant monitoring and enhancement of quality, competitiveness and international ranking of educational, scientific and professional activities, with the aim of securing a high position of the Faculty compared to scientific and educational institutions in Croatia and the region.



Written by Verica Vučičić on .

The Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split was officially opened on October 22nd, 1960. The growth of the chemical industry in the Split region was the main incentive for its establishment. It was a part of the University of Zagreb until 1974, when the University of Split was founded. In the first two years lessons were held at the Bishop's Palace building while laboratory exercises were held in the premises of the Pedagogical Academy and the Medical School. The Faculty moved to the new address (Nikola Tesla Street 10) in 1962 while laboratory exercises for most of the subjects moved to Kaštel Sućurac. Finally, the Faculty and all its activities moved to the new building at the UNIST campus in 2016, at the address Ruđera Boškovića 35.

University study Chemical Technology has been organized and conducted from the very beginning. Professional study program Chemical Technology has also been conducted since 1977/78. Over the years, these study programs have been constantly changing and upgrading according to the needs of the region and its economy, respecting the principles of sustainable development as well as the European and world trends in science and higher education. Until 2003, the university study lasted for nine semesters and was carried out through three orientations: Chemical Technology Processes (since the beginning of the Faculty), Environmental Protection (since 1982/83) and Chemistry and Technology of Mediterranean Cultures (since 2001/2002). Professional study Chemical Technology lasted for five semesters and was conducted through two orientations: Process Technology and Food Technology.

Programs according to the Bologna Approach were established in 2003: undergraduate (3 years), graduate (2 years) and postgraduate doctoral studies (3 years). In addition to the existing undergraduate study Chemical Technology (orientation Chemical Engineering) since 2005/06 undergraduate study Chemistry has also being conducted. The undergraduate study Chemical Technology, orientation Environmental Protection was introduced in academic year 2012/2013, while undergraduate study Food Technology was introduced in academic year 2015/2016.

At the graduate studies, the following orientations were offered: Materials and Environmental Protection and Mediterranean Cultures (for graduate study Chemical Technology) and Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry and Environmental Chemistry (for graduate study Chemistry). In 2017/18 the graduate study Food Technology was introduced while orientation Mediterranean Culture was suspended. Until academic year 2015/16 a professional study of Chemical Technology with orientations Chemical Technology and Materials and Food Technology has been conducted. In 2015/16 they were replaced by undergraduate professional study Protection and Recovery of Materials.

The Faculty continuously conducts and organizes postgraduate studies in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering. The first postgraduate studies Engineering Chemistry (1972/73) and Engineering Chemistry - Chemistry and Technology of Macromolcules (1978/79) were organized within the University of Zagreb. Postgraduate studies in Chemical engineering and Chemistry have been organized within the University of Split since 1983/84. In 2008/09 the new postgraduate doctoral study Chemical Engineering in Materials Development and Environmental Protection was established and in 2012/13 the new postdoctoral study Chemistry of the Mediterranean Environment was established.

The Faculty of Chemistry and Technology and the Faculty of Medicine set up an integrated undergraduate and graduate study program Pharmacy in 2011/12.

Faculty of Chemistry and Technology has a very rich scientific activity. Faculty teachers are involved in numerous scientific projects as the main researchers, associates or consultants of their specialty. Their quality is proven by constantly publishing scientific papers in domestic and international journals and by participating in domestic and international scientific conferences. They are also active in the organization of scientific and professional conferences, as the members of numerous scientific and professional domestic and international associations and societies, reviewers of scientific projects and journals etc.

From its foundation until today, the Faculty has been paying special attention to the cooperation with the Dalmatian economy, taking into account the role of science in the industry. Further development of the Faculty is focused on continuous improvement of teaching and scientific work. In this context, the organization of the Faculty adapts to the demands of a new era in which the reconstruction of chemical and related industries, changes in market relations and the transformation into the market economy of the European model are taking place. Large chemical giants in our region have ceased to exist, and there is a growing tendency to develop small and medium-sized plants for the production of special materials and products subject to complex environmental conditions. Through the modernization of curricula and scientific research, the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology aims to meet the challenges of time, contribute to the general good and to the development of our society.

Head of Division of Engineering and Chemistry

Written by Verica Vučičić on .