3 rd International convention of scientists, specialist employees and students on the topic of Environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia (3rd ZORH convention) on 28th-29th of April 2022.

Written by Antonia Plazonić Parađina on .

Dear sir/madam,  

the 3rd International meeting of scientists, experts and students on the topic of Environmental protection in the Republic of Croatia (3rd ZORH meeting) will be held at the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split from 28th to 29th of April 2022. Unlike the previous two, this year's 3rd ZORH meeting will have an international character. The third ZORH meeting is being organized by the students from the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology of Split in cooperation with the Student section of the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists. Meeting will be organized in hybrid mode, students don't have any registration fee, and for Faculty employees the fee is as lower as can be (70-100 euros).  

Journal Kemija u industriji (CHEMISTRY IN INDUSTRY) (https://hrcak.srce.hr/kui), will have a special issue dedicated to the meeting where oral and poster contributions will be published after the standard reviewing process. This Journal is indexed in Web of Science™ Core Collection – Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), and publication is free of charge. There is also a possibility of the publication in the another journal, “The Holistic Approach to Environment” (https://hrcak.srce.hr/en/hae).  

The 3rd ZORH meeting is a new and innovative student initiative, and we hope that you will support us by your oral or poster contributions. 

For more information please visit our website : https://zorh.ktf-split.hr/