Mathematics Unit

IMG 3814 2 copyAt the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split (FCT), certificates were awarded to students who participated in the Virtual Mobility project within the European University of the Sea (SEA-EU) Alliance. The project was implemented from 18 to 29 April 2022 through lectures in English, given by prof. Igor Jerković from FCT and prof. Juan Carlos García Galindo from the Faculty of Science (FS-UCA), University of Cádiz (Spain). Lectures entitled "Biochemical Ecology and Terpenes from the Essential Oils" were held via videoconferencing and students had project assignments that were developed and presented in collaboration with colleagues from the other faculty. With this activity, they earned 1 ECTS point. Elevent students from FCT participated in the project: Kristina Šimić, Matea Juraković, Mia Galić, Danijela Marić, Miran Kemura, Suzana Ljubas, Klaudija Gusić, Monika Bekan, Hana Pećar, Josipa Dugeč, Marija Brajković as well as two Erasmus students at FCT: Aaron Alonso Vidal and Stanisław Kurowski.
The ceremony of awarding the certificates was held on 9 June 2022 and was attended by the Rector of the University of Split, prof. Dragan Ljutić. From FCT the ceremony was attended by the dean prof. Matko Erceg and prof. Igor Jerković while from FS-UCA the ceremony was attended by the dean prof. José Manuel Montes de Oca, Vice-Dean for International Cooperation and Mobility prof. Laura Cubillana, coordinator for the study of Biotechnology prof. Gema Cabrera and prof. Juan Carlos Garcia Galindo.
The project continues in the next academic year and will be open to all members of the SEA-EU Alliance.